
Why not put task context in interrupt

Here is the story.

Its a safety critical project and needs to run a time critical functional routine in 20KHz. Now the design is to put functional routine in a 20KHz FIQ interrupt, meanwhile safety interrupt also in FIQ. Thats the only two FIQ in system. (Surely there are couples of IRQ enabled in the MCU)

I know that its not good to put task context in interrupt ISR, the proper way of doing this to set mark and run in OS task. But seems current design harm nobody.

The routine takes about 10us (main clock 300MHz), so basically it will not blocks IRQ/FIQ for unacceptable time. It even save time for extra context switch compare with using OS task to run the functional routine. To me, currently it feels like the design is against every principle written on text book in university but can not find a reason to say no to it.

How could I convince myself to move functional routine from ISR to OS? Should I?


  • Let's recollect your situation:

    1. you are coding a safety critical system
    2. the software architecture isn't specified otherwise you wouldn't ask the question at hand
    3. the system requirements weren't processed correctly otherwise 2) wouldn't be in question
    4. someone told you to "use minimum interrupt if possible in safety critical system"
    5. you want to use the highest priority & non-interruptible code for "just some math work"

    Sorry for being a bit harsh but I wouldn't want to use/be in your safety critical system.

    For your actual problem: you have to make sure two things

    All this under the assumption that your safe state depends entirely on an external hardware watchdog.

    PS: Which are the hazards for users of your system? Annoyance? Injury? Lethal? Are you in a SIL or ASIL context?