I am trying to retrieve the complete json response in VUGEN. I am new to writing script in VUGEN. I am using web-HTTP/HTML protocol and just wrote a simple script to call a rest service with POST.
Action() {
web_rest("POST: http://losthost:8181/DBConnector/restServices/cass...",
"Name=filter", "Value=upc=123456789", ENDHEADER,
"Name=env", "Value=qa", ENDHEADER,
return 0;
I don't know what to do next. I searched on the internet to get any command to pull response value. I got web_reg_save_param but it just pulls one value. I need the complete response saved in a file or string.
Please help.
VuGen provides several APIs to extract response data. For example, you can do the boundary based correlation with empty left and right boundary. The sample below saves the web_rest response (body of donuts.js) in the parameter CorrelationParameter3.
web_rest("GET: donuts.js",
This process of locating, extracting and replacing dynamic values is called “correlation”. You can read more about correlations in LoadRunner correlations kept simple blog post.