
How to retrieve the rest api complete response in vugen?

I am trying to retrieve the complete json response in VUGEN. I am new to writing script in VUGEN. I am using web-HTTP/HTML protocol and just wrote a simple script to call a rest service with POST.

Action() {

web_rest("POST: http://losthost:8181/DBConnector/restServices/cass...",
    "Name=filter", "Value=upc=123456789", ENDHEADER,
    "Name=env", "Value=qa", ENDHEADER,

return 0;


I don't know what to do next. I searched on the internet to get any command to pull response value. I got web_reg_save_param but it just pulls one value. I need the complete response saved in a file or string.

Please help.


  • VuGen provides several APIs to extract response data. For example, you can do the boundary based correlation with empty left and right boundary. The sample below saves the web_rest response (body of donuts.js) in the parameter CorrelationParameter3.

    web_rest("GET: donuts.js",

    This process of locating, extracting and replacing dynamic values is called “correlation”. You can read more about correlations in LoadRunner correlations kept simple blog post.