
How to prove a Ada/SPARK precondition on a function embedded in a double loop

I'm trying to prove that the precondition of "prepend" holds during the execution of the program below. The precondition is:

Length (Container) < Container.Capacity

My attempts at proving this are in the code below in the form of pragmas. I can prove this precondition holds for a single loop but not for a double loop. I can't find any examples for double loops, though I've found examples of very complex loop invariants.


with Ada.Containers.Formal_Doubly_Linked_Lists; use Ada.Containers;

package spec with SPARK_Mode is

   MAX_ILLUMINATION_SOURCES : constant Count_Type := 250001;

   package Illumination_Sources_Pkg is new 
      (Element_Type => Positive);

   Illumination_Sources : 

end spec;


with spec; use spec;
with Ada.Containers; use Ada.Containers;

procedure Main with SPARK_Mode

   for Y in 1 .. 500 loop
      pragma Loop_Invariant( Y <= 500 );
      for X in 1 .. 500 loop
         Illumination_Sources_Pkg.Prepend(Illumination_Sources, 17);

         pragma Loop_Invariant( X <= 500 and X*Y <= 500*500 and 
                             Illumination_Sources_Pkg.Length(Illumination_Sources) <= Count_Type(X*Y) and
                            Count_Type(X*Y) <     Illumination_Sources.Capacity);
      end loop;
   end loop;
end Main;

The error is "loop invariant might fail in first iteration, cannot prove Illumination_Sources_Pkg.Length(Illumination_Sources) <= X*Y" It doesn't say that it might fail after the first iteration, so that's something.


  • Choosing the limits (we separate the limits on the outer and inner loop, to make things clear):

    package Double_Loop
      with SPARK_Mode
       Outer_Limit : constant := 500;
       Inner_Limit : constant := 500;
    end Double_Loop;

    We instantiate the generic package as a library level package:

    pragma SPARK_Mode;
    with Ada.Containers.Formal_Doubly_Linked_Lists;
    package Double_Loop.Lists is
      new Ada.Containers.Formal_Doubly_Linked_Lists (Element_Type => Positive);

    Specification of the main program:

    procedure Double_Loop.Run with SPARK_Mode;

    And then the body of the main program:

    with Ada.Containers;
    with Double_Loop.Lists;
    procedure Double_Loop.Run with SPARK_Mode is
       use all type Ada.Containers.Count_Type;
       Data : Lists.List (Capacity => Outer_Limit * Inner_Limit);
       Lists.Clear (Data);
       Outer :
       for Y in Ada.Containers.Count_Type range 1 .. Outer_Limit loop
          Inner :
          for X in Ada.Containers.Count_Type range 1 .. Inner_Limit loop
             Lists.Prepend (Container => Data,
                            New_Item  => 17);
             pragma Loop_Invariant
               (Lists.Length (Data) = (Y - 1) * Inner_Limit + X);
          end loop Inner;
          pragma Loop_Invariant (Lists.Length (Data) = Y * Inner_Limit);
       end loop Outer;
    end Double_Loop.Run;

    Notice how I've focused on the evolution in the length of the list in the loop invariants.