I'm trying to switch the button in the softkey from "Go" to "Done" and vice-versa. If I just set the imeoption
private fun showDoneOnSoftKeyboard() {
private fun showGoOnSoftKeyboard() {
private fun setImeOptionsOnSoftKeyboard(imeOptions: Int) {
contractIdInput.imeOptions = imeOptions
the button is not changed. I've found that by doing:
private fun setImeOptionsOnSoftKeyboard(imeOptions: Int) {
val inputType = contractIdInput.inputType
contractIdInput.inputType = InputType.TYPE_NULL
contractIdInput.imeOptions = imeOptions
contractIdInput.inputType = inputType
the button is changed. The problem is though that the keyboard settings are reset that means that if I have for example the capslock set after I switch between states (for example from Done to Go) then the capslock is reset.
I have also tried
contractIdInput.imeOptions = imeOptions
val imm = context.getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE) as InputMethodManager
but this has the same effect.
I tried this one as well:
contractIdInput.setImeActionLabel("Custom text", KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER)
but it does not work either.
Is there any other way to do the same?
It looks like this can't be done. The IME-options are thought to be set statically in the XML or programmatically but they can't be modified dynamically while the user is typing.