Is there a way to group gradle properties to be reused? I can accomplish the following by having duplicate properties but I am trying to avoid this by grouping them in a common place. I have the following build types
buildTypes {
debug {}
qa {
applicationIdSuffix = ".qa" //Duplicate
qa2 {
applicationIdSuffix = ".qa" //Duplicate
release {}
flavors {
flagship {}
other1 {}
other2 {}
I already have different flavors defined so I don't think I can place the common properties in different flavors. I was hoping I'd be able to do something like
def commonQaProps {
applicationIdSuffix = ".qa"
//Other properties
and then have
qa { commonQaProps }
qa2 { commonQaProps }
Is something like this possible?
After reading the documentation if you're building one buildType
off of another you can use initWith
buildTypes {
debug {}
qa {
applicationIdSuffix = ".qa" //Duplicate
qa2 {
initWith qa
//Customize other properties here
release {}
I still would like to know if grouping properties is possible to use in many variants that don't inherit from each other.