I need to create a visualization in Python just like colah's did on his site. However, I could not find any distortion to grid on matplotlib to perform exactly like he did here. Pls, help me if you can.
I would guess the image is produced by adding some gaussian function to the grid.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
def plot_grid(x,y, ax=None, **kwargs):
ax = ax or plt.gca()
segs1 = np.stack((x,y), axis=2)
segs2 = segs1.transpose(1,0,2)
ax.add_collection(LineCollection(segs1, **kwargs))
ax.add_collection(LineCollection(segs2, **kwargs))
f = lambda x,y : ( x+0.8*np.exp(-x**2-y**2),y )
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
grid_x,grid_y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-3,3,20),np.linspace(-3,3,20))
plot_grid(grid_x,grid_y, ax=ax, color="lightgrey")
distx, disty = f(grid_x,grid_y)
plot_grid(distx, disty, ax=ax, color="C0")