
SQL Implementation with Sliding-Window functions or Recursive CTEs

I have a problem that it's very easy to be solved in C# code for example, but I have no idea how to write in a SQL query with Recursive CTE-s or Sliding-Windows functions.

Here is the situation: let's say I have a table with 3 columns (ID, Date, Amount), and here is some data:

ID  Date         Amount
1   01.01.2016    -500
2   01.02.2016    1000
3   01.03.2016    -200
4   01.04.2016     300
5   01.05.2016     500
6   01.06.2016    1000
7   01.07.2016    -100
8   01.08.2016     200

The result I want to get from the table is this (ID, Amount .... Order By Date):

ID  Amount
2    300
4    300
5    500
6    900
8    200

The idea is to distribute the amounts into installments, for each client separately, but the thing is when negative amount comes into play you need to remove amount from the last installment. I don't know how clear I am, so here is an example:

Let's say I have 3 Invoices for one client with amounts 500, 200, -300.

If i start distribute these Invoices, first i distribute the amount 500, then 200. But when i come to the third one -300, then i need to remove from the last Invoice. In other words 200 - 300 = -100, so the amount from second Invoice will disappear, but there are still -100 that needs to be substracted from first Invoice. So 500 - 100 = 400. The result i need is result with one row (first invoice with amount 400)

Another example when the first invoice is with negative amount (-500, 300, 500). In this case, the first (-500) invoice will make the second disappear and another 200 will be substracted from the third. So the result will be: Third Invoice with amount 300.

This is something like Stack implementation in programming language, but i need to make it with sliding-window functions in SQL Server.

I need an implementation with Sliding Function or Recursive CTEs. Not with cycles ...



  • Ok, think this is what you want. there are two recursive queries. One for upward propagation and the second one for the downward propagation.

    with your_data_rn as
       select *, row_number() over (order by date) rn
       from your_data
    ), rcte_up(id, date, ammount, rn, running) as
       select *, ammount as running 
       from your_data_rn 
       union all
       select d.*, 
              d.ammount + rcte_up.running
       from your_data_rn d
       join rcte_up on rcte_up.running < 0 and  d.rn = rcte_up.rn - 1
    ), data2 as
       select id, date, min(running) ammount, 
              row_number() over (order by date) rn
       from rcte_up
       group by id, date, rn
       having min(running) > 0 or rn = 1
    ), rcte_down(id, date, ammount, rn, running) as
       select *, ammount as running 
       from data2 
       union all
       select  d.*, d.ammount + rcte_down.running
       from data2 d
       join rcte_down on rcte_down.running < 0 and  d.rn = rcte_down.rn + 1
    select id, date, min(running) ammount
    from rcte_down
    group by id, date
    having min(running) > 0


    I can imagine that you use just the upward propagation and the downward propagation of the first row is done in some procedural language. Downward propagation is one scan through few first rows, therefore, the recursive query may be a hammer on a mosquito.