My channel pipeline contains several decoders, all of them operating on TextWebSocketFrame messages. Now my problem is, that I have to choose the right decoder base on some content of the message.
Essentially, I have to parse a certain field in the message and then decide if I want to proceed handling the message or pass the message to the next encoder/handler.
Most people suggest to use a single decoder to decode all messages in such a case, but my problem is that some decoders are added dynamically and it would be a mess to put all logic in a single decoder.
Currently the code looks like this:
protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, TextWebSocketFrame msg, List<Object> out) throws Exception {
String messageAsJson = msg.text();
JsonObject jsonObject = JSON_PARSER.fromJson(messageAsJson, JsonObject.class);
JsonObject messageHeader = jsonObject.getAsJsonObject(MESSAGE_HEADER_FIELD);
String serviceAsString = messageHeader.get(MESSAGE_SERVICE_FIELD).getAsString();
String inboundTypeAsString = messageHeader.get(MESSAGE_TYPE_FIELD).getAsString();
Service service = JSON_PARSER.fromJson(serviceAsString, Service.class);
InboundType inboundType = JSON_PARSER.fromJson(inboundTypeAsString, InboundType.class);
if (service == Service.STREAMING) {
out.add(decodeQuotesMessage(inboundType, messageAsJson));
} else {
So basically I'd need some logic in the else branch to pass the message to the next handler in the pipeline.
I am aware, that this approach is not the most efficient one but the architecture of my service has a slow path (running on a different thread pool), including this logic and a fast path. I can accept some slow code at this place.
In general, you need something like this:
if (service == Service.STREAMING) {
ctx.pipeline().addLast(new StreamingHandler());
} else {
ctx.pipeline().addLast(new OtherHandler());
out.add(decodeQuotesMessage(inboundType, messageAsJson));
Logic behind is next:
This is just the general approach, however, it really depends on your protocol flow.