
Friendsystem on PHP and MySQL

at this moment I'm stucked on my code.

I want to display the names of accepted friends.

I have two tables:

[id, useruniqueid, username]

[id, user_a, user_b, status]

(status can be requested, pending or accepted)

For example:

1, 123, Kaan2106
2, 321, SOUser1
3, 456, SOU2
4, 654, Some4

1, 123, 321, accepted
2, 321, 123, accepted
3, 456, 123, accepted
4, 123, 456, accepted
5, 654, 123, pending
6, 123, 654, requested

I want to display my friend(s) names like: "SOUser1" (because it's accepted)

And this is what I done:

$getem = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Friends WHERE (`status` = 'accepted') AND (`user_a` = '$UserUUID' OR `user_b` = '$UserUUID') LIMIT 10");
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($getem)) {
    $friendsql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE useruniqueid = '" . ($row['user_a'] == $UserUUID ? $row['user_b'] : $row['user_a']) . "'");
    $friendrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($friendsql);
    <td class="friend-name">
        <?php echo $friendrow['username']; ?>
<?php } ?>

And my output is like this SOUser1, SOUser1, SOU2, SOU2 (unwanted doubles)

The expected output should be like this SOUser1, SOU2 (no doubles)

I know that mysql_* is deprecated


  • If you do it all in one query (with a join), you can use MySQL's distinct operator to only return one instance of each user's name.

    Try using a query like the one below. The join uses a case statement so that it joins the Friends table by either user_a or user_b, depending on which one is not the $UserUUID.

    select distinct
        Friends f
        join Users u
            on (
                u.useruniqueid = case
                                    when f.user_a='{$UserUUID}' then f.user_b
                                    else f.user_a
        (f.user_a = '{$UserUUID}' or f.user_b = '{$UserUUID}')
        and f.status='accepted'

    See it in an SQL Fiddle, with $UserUUID being set to '123'.