
DOSGI Custom Provider Registration

I am trying to run DOSGI in Apache Felix. I use CXF 3.2.0 bundles and DOSGI 2.3.0

I can successfully register services but I can not register global custom providers for my resources.

I have a Resource defined in interface:

public interface IToDoResource {

List<ToDo> getAllToDos();

ToDo getToDoById(@PathParam("id") Long id);

Then implemented in:

    name = "My.ToDoRestService", //
    immediate = true, //
    property = //
    { //
        "", //
        "service.exported.interfaces=*", //
         "", //
    } //
public class ToDoResource implements IToDoResource {

I try to register Global custom Providers for my classes. I can make it working with "service.exported.intents" property on the resource and "IntentName" on the provider for one provider. However for this resource I want to register 4 providers:

Alternatively I can also implement IntentsProvider on the resource and it also works.

However following does not work and I get no provider registered for this type error in the logs:

    name = "My.ToDoJsonProvider", //
    immediate = true, //
    service = MessageBodyWriter.class, //
    property = {
        "", //
        "", //
    } //
public class ToDoJsonProvider implements MessageBodyWriter<ToDo> {

GET on localhost:8080/cxf/todos/1 returns empty document and on logs:

JAXRSUtils:1834] No message body writer has been found for class my.todo.repository.api.ToDo, ContentType: application/xml

What do I miss here to register a custom provider globally?


  • It seems like intents are only taken into account when they are directly named in the Resource properties. "service.exported.intents" property must list all intents that can are required by the resource.

    I could not find any documentation but the source code of the RsProvider and IntentManagerImpl classes helped to me.

