Please help to run conversion of colors in LittleCMS: I do find how to work with double, but I’m stacking with using an unsigned char.
I do have BGR color in an array of unsigned char, something like this: unsigned char scanline [3] = {147, 112 220}
. Values can be 0-255
As I understand LittleCMS’s docs: for this type I have to use TYPE_BGR_8
(and TYPE_CMYK_8
for output).
But it does not convert in a right way – only when I used TYPE_BGR_DBL
, converted from unsigned array to double and normalized my input array to values from 0-1 I received a right conversion.
Please help to optimize my code:
1) Do I have to normalize values to 0-1?
2) Which types do I have to use in my program to exclude conversion from unsigned array to double?
My programs and outputs
1) Working in a right way:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "lcms2.h"
int main (){
cmsHPROFILE hInProfile, hOutProfile;
cmsHTRANSFORM hTransform;
hInProfile = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile();
hOutProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromFile("/home/ab/Documents/cmyk/colorProfiles/WebCoatedSWOP2006Grade5.icc", "r");
hTransform = cmsCreateTransform(hInProfile, TYPE_BGR_DBL, hOutProfile, TYPE_CMYK_DBL, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0);
unsigned char scanline0[3] = {147, 112, 220};
double scanline [3], outputline [4];
for(int k=0;k<3;k++){
scanline [k] = (double)scanline0 [k]/255;
printf("Red = %f \n",scanline [2]);
printf("Green = %f \n", scanline [1]);
printf("Blue = %f \n \n", scanline [0]);
cmsDoTransform(hTransform, scanline, outputline, 1); //transforming from one to other
printf(" Cyan %f\n Mageta %f\n Yellow %f\n Black %f\n ", outputline[0], outputline[1], outputline[2], outputline[3]); //C M Y K
return 0;
Red = 0.862745
Green = 0.439216
Blue = 0.576471
Cyan 15.350576
Mageta 68.361944
Yellow 25.549707
Black 1.419089
2) When I’m using an unsigned char, it works in a wrong way. Program:
hTransform = cmsCreateTransform(hInProfile, TYPE_BGR_8, hOutProfile, TYPE_CMYK_8, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0);
unsigned char scanline[3] = {147, 112, 220}, outputline [4];
printf("Red = %d \n",scanline [2]);
printf("Green = %d \n", scanline [1]);
printf("Blue = %d \n \n", scanline [0]);
cmsDoTransform(hTransform, scanline, outputline, 1);
Red = 220
Green = 112
Blue = 147
Cyan 39
Mageta 174
Yellow 65
Black 4
Answers are:
1) There no need of normilizing. if you are working with BYTE (unsigned char). In this case values are in range from 0 to 255. If we are working with double (DBL), than we have to normalize values:
RGB (BGR) = 0...1, and CMYK = 0.0 ... 100.0.
2) We can use both variant.