
AdMob Rewarded Video ERROR_CODE_NO_FILL for test ad

My rewarded video was working 2 weeks ago. I have changed nothing, my code is the same. Right now, when I try to load rewarded video ad, it gives me ERROR_CODE_NO_FILL. I know that it means there is no available ad for my app. But I am on the test device, I simply need a test ad. I created a new rewarded video ad then tried to see a test ad with its ID but the result is the same; no test ad. This system was working for almost 3 months... I was going to publish my app but now I have this problem. Any ideas how I can solve this problem ?

in OnCreate method:

MobileAds.initialize(this, "my app id");
RVA = MobileAds.getRewardedVideoAdInstance(this);

in loadRewardedAd method:

RVA.loadAd("my ad id",
            new AdRequest.Builder().addTestDevice("myphoneid")

I show rewarded ad as:

if (RVA.isLoaded()) {;

Problem is solved by AdMob team. Everything is normal right now. There was a problem with AdMob system.


  • Problem is solved by AdMob team. Everything is normal right now. There was a problem with AdMob system.