I want to add the <nuxeo-tree>
component to my Polymer v1 app, but I'm seeing an error in the console. This is the code I've tried:
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/nuxeo-ui-elements/nuxeo-tree/nuxeo-tree.html">
<link rel="import" href="./myVerySpecialLib-import.html">
<dom-module id="my-app">
<nuxeo-tree data="[ title: 'root', children: [ { title: 'a', children: [] }, { title: 'b', children: [ {title: 'x'}, {title: 'y'} ] } ]]]" controller="[[controller]">
<template is="dom-if" if="[[!opened]]">
<iron-icon icon="hardware:keyboard-arrow-right" toggle></iron-icon>
<template is="dom-if" if="[[opened]]">
<iron-icon icon="hardware:keyboard-arrow-down" toggle></iron-icon>
<span select>My title is: [[item.title]]</span>
<span>Am I a leaf? [[isLeaf]]</span>
is: 'my-app',
properties: {
data: {
type: String,
value: "[ title: 'root', children: [{ title: 'a',children: []},{title: 'b',children: [{title: 'x'},{title: 'y'}]}]]",
opened: {
type: Boolean,
value: true,
controller: {
// How to get children of a node. Returns a promise.
getChildren: function(node) {
return Promise.resolve(node.children);
// Logics you may want to have to control if a node is a leaf.
isLeaf: function(node) {
return node.children.length === 0;
And the myVerySpecialLib-import.html
controller = {
// How to get children of a node. Returns a promise.
getChildren: function(node) {
return Promise.resolve(node.children);
// Logics you may want to have to control if a node is a leaf.
isLeaf: function(node) {
return node.children.length === 0;
This is the console error:
TypeError: this.controller.isLeaf is not a function
I tried to add the JSON data as a property and also directly into the data
field, but neither had a positive effect. How do I fix this?
The myVerySpecialLib-import.html
seems to contain a global variable declaration, but that doesn't really help you because <nuxeo-tree>
expects controller
on the container element (not in a global variable).
Also, your data binding for <nuxeo-tree>.controller
is malformed (it's missing a ]
at the end):
<nuxeo-tree controller="[[controller]">
And controller
probably should be declared as a property if you're binding it. It's currently declared outside the properties
properties: {...},
controller: {...}
properties: {
controller: {...}
I recommend setting this.controller
in the ready()
callback of the parent element of <nuxeo-tree>
(where this
is the container). You could also set <nuxeo-tree>.data
via a binding to simplify your HTML template, and that property could be initialized in ready()
as well.
ready: function() {
this.data = /* insert data object here */;
this.controller = /* insert controller object here */;