I want to know if when you create an account in Pivotal you have the role of an Admin.
Here are the roles according to cloud foundry documentation https://docs.cloudfoundry.org/concepts/roles.html
From your link:
Admin is a user role that has been assigned the cloud_controller.admin scope in UAA. An admin user has permissions on all orgs and spaces and can perform operational actions using the Cloud Controller API. To create an account with cloud_controller.admin scope for your installation, see the Create an Admin User topic.
There are no users of PWS that are given admin access. That is reserved for the Pivotal employees that run & manage PWS. For security reasons, this is a very small number of people.
As Josh mentioned, when you get an org on PWS you'll be given full control over your org so you can do anything you want within the scope of your org.
Hope that helps!