I have a method which helps me to solve a knight's tour. I want my recursion to stop as soon as I have found a solution however It keeps going on and on.
At the end it returns nearly 20 different solutions. I have added my code below, Can Someone please point out what is wrong here?
def myRecursion(dimension: Int, solution: Solution) : Option[Solution] = {
if ( dimension * dimension == solution.size) {
println("Stop it now")
} else {
val movesAvailable = possibleMoves(dimension, solution, solution.head)
val bestm = bestMoves(movesAvailable)
if ( bestm.isDefined ) {
myRecursion(dimension, bestm.get ::: solution)
} else {
movesAvailable.foreach{ x =>
if(myRecursion(dimension, x:: solution).isDefined){
movesAvailable.foreach{ x =>
if(myRecursion(dimension, x:: solution).isDefined){
Thats probably your issue. You're calling your function recursively in a loop, but you don't actually exit the loop if its successful. You could probably switch that around to a takeWhile that keeps going while myRecursions returns None.
Also, that chunk of code isn't doing anything right now - You've got an if statement that evaluates to something, but then you return None no matter what.