I am trying to compile JRTPLIB in Visual Studio 2010 on windows 7. It's been a true nightmare... but I'm atleast narrowing down the problems.
This is left.
Error 3 error LNK2038: mismatch detected for '_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL': value '2' doesn't match value '0' in client.obj C:\Users\Johan-bar\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\client\client\jrtplib.lib(rtpsession.obj) client
I googled a ton and the cause seems to be one is compiled in debug mode while the other is compiled in release mode.
I am aiming to compile a Release executable because I want to test on different computers.
Which one is not in Release mode, JRTPLIB or client(mine, the one which is trying to compile)?
How does one change the ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL? Both are using Runtime Library /MT and preprocessor definitions WIN32, _MT, along with the defaults I guess.
Compile everything you use with -D_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL=0 option. It is so by default in VS 2010 Release mode, but some things are still built with other options and so are not binary compatible.
In older visual studios there was _SECURE_SCL and i am not sure if some of code may still use it. Put somewhere (say into stdafx.h) a static check that these match.
#error _SECURE_SCL != 0 when _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 0
If you want to see what value _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL has then you can use some #pragma message in code to tell you.