
MATLAB: plot timetable matrix

I would like to plot all columns of a timetable. For example, let's say, I have a timetable with two columns.

time = datetime({'2017-11-15'; '2017-11-18'; '2017-11-19'});
col1 = [NaN;4;5];
col2 = [7;6;4];
tt = timetable(time, col1, col2);

How can I plot all columns (line chart)?

Let me add three things:

  1. I don't know the column titles in advance.
  2. I don't know the number of columns in advance.
  3. The first columns might not necessarily be the longest column (see NaN).


  • There's an even less complicated version. :-)

    plot(tt.time, tt.Variables);