
How to set the background colour of VC from a modal XIB

In this app, I'm looking to allow the user to change the background colour of the main menu. within the MenuVC, the user will click on a button labelled, "Choose a colour". A 'ColorPickerVC' will present from a XIB file, modally.

I created an @IBAction for this and contains the following code:

 @IBAction func colorPickerPressed = (_ sender: Any) {   
        let colorPicker = ColorPickerVC()
        colorPicker.modalPresentationStyle = .custom
        present(colorPicker, animated: false, completion: nil)

The colour picker loads modally from a XIB file and displays 9 colours (UIButton) in a grid format.

When the users taps a colour, the background of the ColorPickerVC changes to the that colour:

@IBAction func tile1(_ sender: Any) {
        view.backgroundColor = tile1Color.backgroundColor

The user then taps a 'Confirm' button, this dismisses the view and returns to the MenuVC:

@IBAction func confirmBtnPressed(_ sender: Any) {
        dismiss(animated: false, completion: nil)

Here's what i'm struggling with: During the 'ConfirmBtnPressed' action, I would like the MenuVC background colour to also change to what the ColorPickerVC background is (The colour the user selected earlier)

Any ideas on how to achieve this?

Thanks, Scott


  • You should learn about the delegate pattern:

    First create a protocol that defines the desired function:

    protocol ColorPickerProtocol: class {
        func didSelectColor(_ color: UIColor)

    Extend your ViewController with that protocol and implement the method:

    class BackgroundColorViewController: UIViewController, ColorPickerProtocol {
        func didSelectColor(_ color: UIColor) {
            view.backgroundColor = color

    Inside your Xib create a way to pass the delegate and call the didSelectColor function on the desired buttonPress:

    class ColorPickerXib {
        weak var delegate: ColorPickerProtocol?
        @IBAction func dismissButtonPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {

    And finally instantiate your Xib in your ViewController with the proper delegate and show it:

    let colorPicker = ColorPickerXib()
    colorPicker.delegate = self
    // Show Xib