
SSL Certificates - Import Root and Chain in Azure KeyVault?

I have successfully imported an digital signature certificate (which comes with a root certificate and a chain certificate) in my Azure KeyVault using the command "mport-AzureKeyVaultCertificate -VaultName $vaultName -Name $certificateName -FilePath". The certificate has been issued to me by a public Certificate Authority.

I tried to run the exact same command to import the root certificate and the chain certificate, but I am unable to.

My question is: is there a way at all too import the root and the intermediate certificates into the KeyVault? Or they need to be imported somewhere else?



  • Concatenate your certificate, the CA bundle file and the private key file into a .pem file in the order:

    cat <cert>.crt <bundle>.cabundle <private>.key > <full-cert>.pem

    Use the Azure CLI 2.0 az tool to import into the key vault using:

    az keyvault certificate import --vault-name <your-vault> --name <cert-name> --file <cert-file>.pem

    You should find that the az tool creates three entries in your vault all with the name <cert-name> (i) a certificate containing the <cert>.crt file, (ii) the private key and (iii) a secret containing the full root + chain + private key which you can later download if needed.