I have two screens to be showing up in one area and I am using ng-hide / ng-show for the same !!
My code is :
inside controller
$scope.grid1show = 'true' // intially this grid will shown on page load
$scope.grid2show = 'false' // Intially this grid is hide on page load
// Function
$scope.showGrid = function(){
$scope.grid1show = 'false';
$scope.grid2show = 'true';
console.log ("==after==" +$scope.grid1show );
console.log ("===after==="+ $scope.grid2show );
in my HTML
<div ng-show="grid1show"> Shown this div initially
<span ng-click="showGrid2()">Click for grid2</span> // IT should fire function which should show grid2 and hide grid1
<div ng-show="grid2show"> Hide this div intially </div>
But although in the console, it is changing, it's not actually hiding and showing specific div !!
is there anything I am missing here?
Why are you storing the values as string?
$scope.grid1show = 'false';
$scope.grid2show = 'true';
shouldn't they be boolean?
$scope.grid1show = false;
$scope.grid2show = true;