The following code works fine for receiving a messages on a SD Device and executing an event when the end user taps on the notification.
&ApplicationIdCharacter = 'xxxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxxxx'
&TheNotification.Text.DefaultText = "Notification Provider API"
&TheNotification.Actions.DefaultAction.Event.Name = "Insert_Msg"
&TheNotification.Appearance.Icon.Small = !"GX15IconKB"
&TheNotificationDelivery.Expiration = 3000
&TheNotificationDelivery.Priority = PushNotificationPriority.Normal
&TheNotificationConfiguration.ApplicationId = &ApplicationIdCharacter
&DeviceToken = 'xxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx'
But I can´t find any example for doing this without user intervention.
On previous versions there was a parameter
&GXPushNotification.Event.Execution = EventExecution.OnNotificationArrive
Is it supported on GX 15?
Thanks, Rogelio Arosemena
If you want to fire an Event without user intervention, then use the API:
SendNotification is for sending Text Messages that requires user intervention to fire Events (by opening the Notification)
If you need Text and Event, then Send both (SendEvent & SendNotification)