
Errors running qmake && make

I am trying to install svn2git on Windows. At the moment, I have svn2git cloned repo in my C:/ directory. Qt4 (this is the version specified in the manual) is needed to build the However, I have problems installing Qt4 correctly it seems.

Currently, when I try and and rune qmake && make in svn2git folder, I get the following output:

"C:/Program Files (x86)/Git/bin/sh.exe": -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
Makefile:31: recipe for target 'src\Makefile' failed
mingw32-make: *** [src\Makefile] Error 258

When I build configure Qt, I have been doing so with:

configure -platform win32-msvc2013

Not entirely sure which platform I should be installing it with.

And at the end of the configuration output I get:

Creating qmake...
execute: File or path is not found (nmake)
execute: File or path is not found (nmake)
Cleaning qmake failed, return code -1

I have MinGW installed in C:/ with mingw32-make.exe in the bin. https://i.sstatic.net/JWsWG.png

Finally, I also have Qt and MinGW in my system environment variables https://i.sstatic.net/gaRC5.png


  • I'd recommend simply installing Cygwin, there you have ready-made qt4 packages in the package manager that you simply can install and then building svn2git is as easy as calling qmake-qt4 && make after you have installed the needed dependencies also through the package manager. At least that is how I build svn2git on Windows.