
Serving pharo seaside 3.0 with lighttpd

I am trying to serve my app with lighttpd. With seaside 2.8 the following worked in my lighttpd.conf:

proxy.server = ( "/pharo" => (
    ( "host" => "", "port" => 8080, "check-local" => "disable"))

but with seaside 3.0 it rewrites the url to say http://localhost/pharo when accessing it over a network.

Anyone been able to serve pharo and seaside 3 with lighttpd?


  • The following did work, I uncommented the following line in this method like so:

        | url |
        url := self basicUrl.
        self serverPath isNil ifFalse: [ url parsePath: self serverPath ].
        self serverProtocol isNil ifFalse: [ url scheme: self serverProtocol ].
        "self serverHostname isNil ifFalse: [ url host: self serverHostname ]."
        self serverPort isNil ifFalse: [ url port: self serverPort ].
        ^ url

    In my seaside configuration of my application all the Server settings (Resource Base Url, Server Hostname, Server Path, Server Port, Server Protocol) are unspecified.

    It seems like seaside is trying to get the server settings from some applications parent but i can't chase it.

    EDIT: Ok, thanks to Lukas (see comment), all I had to do was reset the #serverHostname in my application configuration found at "Dispatcher: /" to nil (unspecified).