I've successfully gotten a panel to animate expanding and closing when entering and leaving the DOM. The problem is I now have a busy indicator inside the panel prior to showing details, and the animation only occurs for opening the busy indicator, and snaps when the detail content is shown.
How can I get the Angular animation to animate on any height change?
I have an example here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-animation-for-dynamically-changing-height?embed=1&file=src/app/app.component.ts
trigger('expandCollapseDetails', [
state('void', style({
'height': '0px',
overflow: 'hidden'
//element being added into DOM.
transition(':enter', [
animate('500ms ease-in-out', style({
'height': '*',
overflow: 'hidden'
//element being removed from DOM.
transition(':leave', [
animate('500ms ease-in-out', style({
'height': '0px',
overflow: 'hidden'
I've written a component that smoothly animates the height of projected content if that content changes. It's used like this:
<smooth-height [trigger]="content">
Here's a stackblitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular4-kugxw7
This is the component:
import {ElementRef, HostBinding, Component, Input, OnChanges} from '@angular/core';
import {animate, style, transition, trigger} from "@angular/animations";
selector: 'smooth-height',
template: `
styles: [`
:host {
display: block;
overflow: hidden;
animations: [
trigger('grow', [
transition('void <=> *', []),
transition('* <=> *', [
style({height: '{{startHeight}}px', opacity: 0}),
animate('.5s ease'),
], {params: {startHeight: 0}})
export class SmoothHeightComponent implements OnChanges {
trigger: any;
startHeight: number;
@HostBinding('@grow') grow: any;
constructor(private element: ElementRef) {}
this.startHeight = this.element.nativeElement.clientHeight;
this.grow = {
value: this.trigger,
params: {startHeight: this.startHeight}