
Automating finding compile errors in ASP.NET pages

I have an ASP.NET website where the pages call a few components in DLLs. I need to change the signature of a method in the component, and short of doing a text search, don't know if this will break any pages or not. IMO, this is the weakness of web programming -- you don't get the benefit of a compiler telling you about syntax errors.

But it doesn't need to be so. Does anyone know if there is a way to run a spider over a website watching for compile errors, or perhaps some tool that would compile all the .aspx files in a folder structure looking for compile errors?

This is merely for syntax checking -- not to actually pre-compile the website.

EDIT It looks like aspnet_compiler is being recommended. I don't use Visual Studio projects for the website -- it's grown over time with my own templating system (back before Master Pages were available). So something that would run aspnet_compiler over all the files in a folder might work...


  • There is a flag that you can put on your project that tells it to compile all the aspx files when the project is compiled. It adds time to your build, but it can sometimes be worthwhile. See

    Also, Resharper is really good at finding references to methods, even in aspx files. So if you use Resharper to rename a method, as long as your solution includes the web project, it'll find and rename that method in the aspx files, too.