
Facebook App Invites is deprecated

As the latest release of Facebook SDK version 4.28.0 - November 7, 2017, App Invites is deprecated.

With the release of the Facebook SDK version 4.28.0, App Invites is deprecated. It will be supported until February 5, 2018.

It makes the AppInviteDialog not working as expected (show white screen instead of list friends - Facebook app is not installed in the device), even I decreased Facebook SDK version to 4.27.0 or lower). I tried to find out more information at offical docs but no luck. Anyone have a solution for this trouble ?


  • You should also consider using popular messaging apps and other social networks to leverage app invites i.e Whatsapp, Kik, Twitter, Kakao etc. More details here

    Our data shows that less than 18% of users prefer inviting via FB AppInvites, whereas the other 82% of users prefer to invite friends via WhatsApp, FB Messenger and other chat applications.

    (Disclaimer: I am founder of GetSocial)