How to obtain all ProductTypes created in my commercetools project?

I need to obtain all the ProductType that have been defined in my commercetools project because I have to use the localized value of the "name" to perform a search in a file system. Basically I need to use the JVM SDK to extract the list of ProductTypes and traverse it.

Can someone give me some clue how to achieve it?

Thanks in advance.


  • Yep it is pretty feasible using the jvm sdk, here is a code snippet of how to do it

    package io.sphere.sdk.deletemeplese;
    import io.sphere.sdk.producttypes.ProductType;
    import io.sphere.sdk.producttypes.queries.ProductTypeQuery;
    import io.sphere.sdk.queries.PagedQueryResult;
    import io.sphere.sdk.test.IntegrationTest;
    import org.junit.Test;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.function.Function;
    import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
    public class SomeIntegrationTest extends IntegrationTest {
        public void test(){
            final int PAGE_SIZE = 500;
            final long totalProductTypes = client().executeBlocking(ProductTypeQuery.of().withLimit(0)).getTotal();
            List<ProductType> allProductTypes = IntStream.range(0,(int)(totalProductTypes/PAGE_SIZE) +1)
                    .map(i -> ProductTypeQuery.of().withLimit(500).withOffset(i*PAGE_SIZE))

    I hope this answers your question.