
Generic constant time compare function c++

I'm writing a ProtectedPtr class that protects objects in memory using Windows Crypto API, and I've run into a problem creating a generic constant time compare function. My current code:

template <class T>
bool operator==(volatile const ProtectedPtr& other)
    std::size_t thisDataSize = sizeof(*protectedData) / sizeof(T);
    std::size_t otherDataSize = sizeof(*other) / sizeof(T);

    volatile auto thisData = (byte*)getEncyptedData();
    volatile auto otherData = (byte*)other.getEncyptedData();

    if (thisDataSize != otherDataSize)
        return false;

    volatile int result = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < thisDataSize; i++)
        result |= thisData[i] ^ otherData[i];

    return result == 0;

getEncryptedData function:

std::unique_ptr<T> protectedData;
const T& getEncyptedData() const
    return *protectedData;

The problem is casting to byte*. When using this class with strings, my compiler complains that strings can't be casted to byte pointers. I was thinking maybe trying to base my function off of Go's ConstantTimeByteEq function, but it still brings me back to my original problem of converting a template type to an int or something that I can preform binary manipulation on.

Go's ConstantTimeByteEq function:

func ConstantTimeByteEq(x, y uint8) int {
    z := ^(x ^ y)
    z &= z >> 4
    z &= z >> 2
    z &= z >> 1

    return int(z)

How can I easily convert a template type into something that can have binary manipulation easily preformed on it?

UPDATE Working generic constant compare function based on suggestions from lockcmpxchg8b:

//only works on primative types, and types that don't have
//internal pointers pointing to dynamically allocated data
byte* serialize()
    const size_t size = sizeof(*protectedData);
    byte* out = new byte[size];

    memcpy(out, &(*protectedData), size);

    return out;

bool operator==(ProtectedPtr& other)
    if (sizeof(*protectedData) != sizeof(*other))
        return false;

    volatile auto thisData = serialize();
    volatile auto otherData = other.serialize();

    volatile int result = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(*protectedData); i++)
        result |= thisData[i] ^ otherData[i];

    //wipe the unencrypted copies of the data
    SecureZeroMemory(thisData, sizeof(thisData));
    SecureZeroMemory(otherData, sizeof(otherData));

    return result == 0;


  • Generally, what you're trying to accomplish in your current code is called Format Preserving Encryption. I.e., to encrypt a std::string such that the resulting ciphertext is also a valid std::string. This is much harder than letting the encryption process convert from the original type to a flat array of bytes.

    To do the conversion to a flat array, declare a second template argument for a "Serializer" object, that knows how to serialize objects of type T into an array of unsigned char. You could default it to a generic sizeof/memcpy serializer that would work for all primitve types.

    Here's an example for std::string.

    template <class T>
    class Serializer
        virtual size_t serializedSize(const T& obj) const = 0;
        virtual size_t serialize(const T& obj, unsigned char *out, size_t max) const = 0;
        virtual void deserialize(const unsigned char *in, size_t len, T& out) const = 0;
    class StringSerializer : public Serializer<std::string>
      size_t serializedSize(const std::string& obj) const {
        return obj.length();
      size_t serialize(const std::string& obj, unsigned char *out, size_t max) const {
        if(max >= obj.length()){
          memcpy(out, obj.c_str(), obj.length());
          return obj.length();
        throw std::runtime_error("overflow");
      void deserialize(const unsigned char *in, size_t len, std::string& out) const {
        out = std::string((const char *)in, (const char *)(in+len));

    Once you've reduced the objects down to a flat array of unsigned chars, then your given constant-time compare algorithm will work just fine.

    Here's a really dumbed-down version of your example code using the serializer above.

    template <class T, class S>
    class Test
      std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> protectedData;
      size_t serSize;
      Test(const T& obj) : protectedData() {
        S serializer;
        size_t size = serializer.serializedSize(obj);
        protectedData.reset(new unsigned char[size]);
        serSize = serializer.serialize(obj, protectedData.get(), size);
        // "Encrypt"
        for(size_t i=0; i< size; i++)
          protectedData.get()[i] ^= 0xa5;
      size_t getEncryptedLen() const {
        return serSize;
      const unsigned char *getEncryptedData() const {
        return protectedData.get();
      const T getPlaintextData() const {
        S serializer;
        T target;
        for(size_t i=0; i< serSize; i++)
          protectedData.get()[i] ^= 0xa5;
        serializer.deserialize(protectedData.get(), serSize, target);
        return target;
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
      std::string data = "test";
      Test<std::string, StringSerializer> tester(data);
      const unsigned char *ptr = tester.getEncryptedData();
      std::cout << "\"Encrypted\" bytes: ";
      for(size_t i=0; i<tester.getEncryptedLen(); i++)
        std::cout << std::setw(2) << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << (unsigned int)ptr[i] << " ";
      std::cout << std::endl;
      std::string recov = tester.getPlaintextData();
      std::cout << "Recovered: " << recov << std::endl;


    $ ./a.out
    "Encrypted" bytes: d1 c0 d6 d1
    Recovered: test

    Edit: answering request for a generic serializer for primtive/flat types. Consider this as pseudocode, because I'm typing it into a browser without testing. I'm not sure if that's the right template syntax.

    template<class T>
    class PrimitiveSerializer : public Serializer<T>
      size_t serializedSize(const T& obj) const {
        return sizeof obj;
      size_t serialize(const T& obj, unsigned char *out, size_t max) const {
        if(max >= sizeof obj){
          memcpy(out, &obj, sizeof obj);
          return sizeof obj;
        throw std::runtime_error("overflow");
      void deserialize(const unsigned char *in, size_t len, T& out) const {
        if(len < sizeof out) {
          throw std::runtime_error("underflow");
        memcpy(&out, in, sizeof out);