
groovy script SOAP UI json response parse

How to parse json response using groovy script.

I am using SOAP UI and have json response as below-

    "resource": {

Can anyone please share sample code to parse json object and post that some basic assertions check. Thanks


  • Add a Script Assertion for the rest request test step with below script.

    JsonSlurper can be used to parse the response.

    //Check if the response is not empty
    assert context.response, 'Response is empty or null'
    //Define expected data
    def expectedData = [name: 'aaaaaaaaaaa', emailid: 'bbbbbbbbb']
    def json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(context.response)
    //Checks all elements of resource one by one and compare with expectedData
    json.resource.each {k, v -> assert v == expectedData."$k" }