I am working on reduction of electrical circuit and having difficulties with serial connection. I have modeled branch with two nodes, and in order to detect serial connection I have written following rule:
(defrule serial
?b1 <- (Branch (node2 ?n1) (resistance ?v1))
?b2 <- (Branch (node1 ?n1) (resistance ?v2) (node2 ?n3))
?c <- (accumulate (bind ?count 0)
(bind ?count (+ ?count 1))
(Branch (node1 ?n1))
(test (eq ?c 1))
?c1 <- (accumulate (bind ?count1 0)
(bind ?count1 (+ ?count1 1))
(Branch (node2 ?n1))
(test (eq ?c1 1))
(modify ?b1 (node2 ?n3) (resistance (+ ?v1 ?v2)))
(retract ?b2)
I want to count how many branches have same starting node, if there is more than one,than this is not serial connection. Unfortunately this count returns 1 for following branches:
f-1 (MAIN::Branch (name AB) (node1 A) (node2 B) (resistance 2))
f-2 (MAIN::Branch (name BC) (node1 B) (node2 C) (resistance 2))
f-3 (MAIN::Branch (name BC) (node1 B) (node2 T) (resistance 5.0))
and treats f-1 and f-2 as serial connection. Is there any workaround for this problem?
The rule does not fire for the set AB, BC and BT, and I suppose it should not, since B connects to C and T. And I think a node that can be eliminated must not have more than one predecessor and not more than one successor. Therefore I suggest this rule:
(defrule myserial
?b1 <- (Branch (node1 ?n1) (node2 ?n2) (resistance ?v1))
?b2 <- (Branch (node1 ?n2) (node2 ?n3) (resistance ?v2))
(not (Branch (node1 ~?n1) (node2 ?n2)))
(not (Branch (node1 ?n2) (node2 ~?n3)))
(modify ?b1 (node2 ?n3) (resistance (+ ?v1 ?v2)))
(retract ?b2)