
How to Use HTTP Receive GET Message in Orchestration?

I have set up a HTTP Receive (req-response) adapter and the message appears to be getting to the message box. When I create an orchestration using a direct bound logical port, I am getting the message but everything I have tried to read the message body has failed (using passthrough pipeline, XML pipeline with allow unrecognized files = true) but I get exceptions any time I try to use the incoming message (message assignments, sending the message to a custom module to try to read the part(s)).

Rather than go into details on exceptions, can anyone point to instructions on what the proper way to access/use the body of the HTTP Get messages within an orchestration? To explain what I am trying to do, I want to take the query string (body) and send it verbatim to another orchestration for processing, so I simply want to extract the body (query string) from the message.

enter image description here enter image description here


  • For a GET request without a body you need to use the WCF-WebHttp adapter rather than the deprecated BTSHTTPReceive.dll

    With the WCF-WebHttp you can use the Variable Mapping to populate message context properties with the URI parameters.

    enter image description here