
How to move from Bower to Npm using main-bower-files?

As bower slowly 'shuts down' I am finding it very difficult to migrate from bower to npm. I managed to get the DEV packages downloaded but I cannot seem to figure out how to use equivalent to 'main-bower-files' for npm. I found something similar 'main-npm-files' but there is no way to use the "override" method, similar to how bower uses, to point which files should be copied.

Can someone please guide me on how I can do this? If you need me to paste my package.json here let me know.


  • I believe npmfiles might be what you are looking for (also on github).

    Says it was heavily inspired by main-bower-files.

    var mainNPMFiles = require('npmfiles');
    var files = mainNPMFiles([options]);`

    See that [options] tag above, that's where you can includes options to override which files are the main files in a package (exactly like main-bower-files).

      "name": "your-package-name",
      "dependencies": {
        "NPM-PACKAGE": "*"
      "overrides": {
        "NPM-PACKAGE": {
          "main": [
            // override the main files or even ignore the package

    It should require very little change in your gulpfile, since you're just replacing main-bower-files with main-npm-files.

    gulp.task('TASKNAME', function() {
        return gulp.src(mainNPMFiles())
            .pipe(/* what you want to do with the files */)