
How LL(1) parser handle Right Associative grammar

I am trying to find how LL(1) parser handle right associative grammar. For example in case of left associative grammar like this E->+TE' first() and follow() works smoothly and parsing table generated easily. But, in case of right-recursive grammar, for example, in case of power like E->T^E/T parsing table isn't generating properly. I am searching for resources but found every example avoiding right associativity like powers.


  • LL algorithms handle right-recursion with no problem whatsoever. In fact, the transformation you mention turns a left-associative grammar into a right-associative one, and left-associativity needs to restored by transforming the syntax tree in a semantic rule. So if the production is really right-associative, you can use the same grammar without the need for post- processing the tree.

    The problem with E -> T ^ E | T is not that it is right recursive. The problem is that the two right-hand sides start with the same non-terminal, making prediction impossible. The solution is left-factoring, which will produce E -> T E' / E' -> ε | ^ T E'.