
Rxjava observeOn and subscribeOn in Retrofit

observeOn: This method simply changes the thread of all operators further downstream (

When calling API, I want to run the communicating with a server on IO thread and want to handle the result on mainThread.

I see the below code in many tutorials and no doubt it is correct. but my understanding is opposite so I'd like to know what I'm misunderstanding.



: observeOn changes the thread of all operators further downstream, but in the example, the actual calling API function is upper than observeOn?


: Weird part, it needs to be subscribed on main-thread, but subscribe on IO thread?

Please advise me What I'm misunderstanding?


  • Basic, we will have

    Observable.subscribe(Observer);// => Observer observe Observable and Observable subscribe Observer


    requestInterface.callApi().subscribe(new Observer...); // requestInterface.callApi() <=> Observable

    From the


    • SubscribeOn operator designates which thread the Observable will begin operating on, no matter at what point in the chain of operators that operator is called

    ObserveOn (affect 2 things)

    • It instructs the Observable to send notifications to Observers on a specified Scheduler.

    • ObserveOn affects the thread that the Observable will use below where that operator appears


    registerUserReturnedObserverble()  // run on worker thread because subscribeOn( (line 5)
    .andThen(loginReturnObserverble()) // run on worker thread because subscribeOn( (line 5)
    .andThen(getUserDataReturnObserverble()) // run on main thread because .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) is above this operator (line 3)
    .subscribe(new Observer<Void>{
        // run on main thread because observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) 