
Notification vibrate issue for android 8.0

i create notification channel to show notification in android 8.0 as below

 NotificationChannel uploadChannel = new NotificationChannel(Constants.NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_UPLOAD_ID,"Uploads", NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_LOW);
 uploadChannel.setDescription("Uploads Channel");

each time i show notification the phone vibrate many times. i disable vibrate from notification channel as below


i create notification as below

 NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context, Constants.NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_UPLOAD_ID);

but it is not working phone is vibrating with each notification.


  • This is a bug on Android 8 notification system. I've tinkered with different combinations of enableVibration with setVibrationPattern(null) but it does not work.

    Only solution that stops the vibration for me is this:

    mNotificationChannel.setVibrationPattern(new long[]{ 0 });

    FYI, even if I set a vibration pattern with 0, but set enableVibration to false, it vibrates.