
SIM800L Blank SMS issue

I am using a SIM800L module with a Texas Instrument Launchpad, with a MSP430G2553 microcontroller, not using an external library for SIM800L.

Problem Statement: A Simple text message (SMS with Text Mode) is sent, received as a blank message on cellphone.

SIM details:

1. SIM 1 : Location: India. Operator: AirTel, 4G compatible SIM Card.
2. SIM 2 : Location: India. Operator: Tata Docomo, 3G compatible SIM card.

What I know already:

What I have read:

Related posts on Stackoverflow:

The answer in the first one seemed to have worked for him, it didn't work for me.

What have I tried:

Typical values that I use are:

Failed combinations on serial port: (SIM 1 and SIM 2)

Successful combinations on serial port: (SIM 1 and SIM 2)

To be honest, I played hunch with these combinations before I studied what field reflects what change these combinations (which are poorly documented in the SIM800L User guide).

Any idea what I might be missing here? I am open to thinking that it is more of a RTFM (Read The Fat Manual) issue.


  • Ok, managed to resolve the issue.

    It was not about the SIM800L at all. The whole payload was followed by a '\0' which is unexpected (I know, very poor on my side). The serial term has no issues with it whatsoever. Debugging was fun!