In a Rails 4.2 project I use gem 'permanent_records'
to handle records soft-deletion and gem 'globalize'
for translations.
Globalize sets the following relationships between the translated Model and the Translation Model (source):
has_many :translations, :class_name =>,
:foreign_key => options[:foreign_key],
:dependent => :destroy,
:extend => HasManyExtensions,
:autosave => true,
:inverse_of => :globalized_model
The result is that calling :destroy
on the translated Model, does not delete it (which is what permanent_records is used for), but I lose the related translations, which I'd like to keep alive.
Shall I override the dependent: :destroy
callback only on some translated models (the translated models where I use permanent_records)? How to do it properly?
Is there any other way to get the desired result?
I finally solved the issue by adding a deleted_at
attribute to GlobalizedModel::Translation
Model (in my case Treatment::Translation
) so that also translations are soft-deleted.