
Finding elements by class name with spaces

I'm using Selenium to enter information into search boxes on a search page. This website uses JavaScript and the id's and names for each search box change each time the website is loaded, but the class names remain consistent. Class names are frequently reused though, so my goal is to use find_elements_by_class_name(classname) and then index through that list.

One box has the class name x-form-text x-form-field x-form-num-field x-form-empty-field, but Selenium considers it a compound class name and throws an error. If I use just a portion of it such as x-form-text, it can't find the element. My hope is to either find a way to allow the spaces, or search for all elements whose class name contain a section of text without spaces (such as x-form-text).

I tried this code:

quantminclass = 'x-form-text.x-form-field.x-form-num-field.x-form-empty-field'
quantmin = '25'

But got an error that the list index was out of range, implying that it can't find anything. I inspected the element and that is definitely its class name, so I'm not sure how to proceed.


  • Those are multiple classes, not a single class with spaces, just use all the classes together.

    driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.class1.class2.class3')

    In CSS selector a dot . is a class, you can concatenate any number class names