This one has me scratching my head:
I added a repo to my cobblerd box, which was otherwise a happy CentOS7 cobbler server for a few small repos:
cobbler repo add --name spacewalk-client25-6-x86_64 --mirror
cobbler reposync --only spacewalk-client25-6-x86_64
Then I noticed I had the URL wrong. Doh! 6 is not like 7.
cobbler repo edit --name spacewalk-client25-6-x86_64 --mirror
On the resync, though, first odd things happened: It didn't download anything new, and kept the EL7 stuff. So I whacked the tree: (nukeItFromOrbit.gifv)
rm -rf /var/www/cobbler/repo_mirror/spacewalk-client25-6-x86_64
cobbler reposync --only spacewalk-client25-6-x86_64
And then bad things happened: it was complaining about not finding some EL7 stuff, even though it shouldn't even be looking!
rhn-virtualization-common-5.4. FAILED
rhnpush-5.5.98-1.el7.noarch.rp FAILED
spacewalk-backend-libs-2.5.43-1.el7.noarch: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
spacewalk-client-cert-2.5.3-1.el7.noarch: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
Very weird -- you see where it's still looking for EL7 stuff? So I cursed, shook my fist, and cobbler synced in the hopes of clearing any lingering cache-like nuisance. But that didn't fix it hard enough, so I removed the repo, and synced THAT, and then re-added it and reposynched. No dice. Restarted cobblerd. Nope. Killed the repo, restarted cobblerd, synched it twice, re-added the repo. Nope. And yes, the URL was the right one. ;-)
So I got crafty: define a new repo ('86_64 2') , synch ITS data, and slide that over into the name (which can't be changed easily for config-management and $releasevar reasons):
cobbler repo add --name spacewalk-client25-6-x86_642 --mirror
cobbler reposync --only spacewalk-client25-6-x86_642
cobbler repo rename --name spacewalk-client25-6-x86_642 --newname spacewalk-client25-6-x86_64
cobbler reposync --only spacewalk-client25-6-x86_64
Removing obsolete spacewalk-client-cert-2.5.3-1.el6.noarch.rpm
Removing obsolete rhn-setup-gnome-2.5.16-1.el6.noarch.rpm
Removing obsolete yum-rhn-plugin-2.5.5-1.el6.noarch.rpm
Removing obsolete spacewalk-oscap-2.5.3-1.el6.noarch.rpm
spacewalk-client-repo-2.5-3.el FAILED
spacewalk-koan-2.5.2-1.el7.noa FAILED FAILED
yum-rhn-plugin-2.5.5-1.el7.noa FAILED
rhnpush-5.5.98-1.el7.noarch: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
rhn-virtualization-common-5.4.55-1.el7.noarch: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
Yeah, really.
Something's up, but strace -e trace=file
didn't pop anything out either. Anyone seen this? Do you want to see a full reposynch run on that repo, for kicks?
(feel free to adjust the 'repository' tag to be 'reposync' so it's more accurate. I can't do it on my lame rep)
As luck has it, I fell over the answer almost right after posting.
has a redundant cache of usually-tasty repo data, but it even keeps the sour ones deleted long ago: I found a spacewalk-client25-6-x86_642
in there from the crafty attempt above, as well as the old spacewalk-client25-6-x86_64
one that it then refused to update.
I whacked that, chuckling malevolently, and resynched.
rm -rf /var/cache/yum/*
cobbler reposync --only spacewalk-client25-6-x86_64
And life was good.