Thanks for the help:
I manually set the title of a segController segment from a textField input like this:
NSString *labelString = [textField stringValue];
(textField.stringValue = labelString);
[segControl setLabel: labelString forSegment:8];
I loose the new label when quitting. How can I save the edited segController label string in NSUserDefaults as I would with a text string, like this:
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject: [textField objectValue] forKey: @"newDefault"];
My action needs to occasionally set a new title. Point is the label string is not permanently fixed.
Assuming you know the segment number, You can do the following:
NSUserDefaults* defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
if(defaults) {
[defaults setValue: [segControl labelForSegment:8] forKey: @"segmentLabel"];
else {
// handle error
Alternatively you can just save the string to NSUserDefaults
whenever you set the label like in your above example.