
No module named 'websocket'

I'm a fairly new to Python and I am trying to enter the following code:

from websocket import create_connection as cc
import json, time

I want to look at BTC and LTC stocks in a live feed type-fashion but I keep getting this error:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'websocket'

I've been looking around and it seems that a common solution is:

pip install websocket

that just didn't connect with me. Most sites say install this and just have the above code but I have no idea where to install it or what to do with it.


  • First, you need to install pip if you don't have it. Type pip in your terminal or cmd to see if it is installed. Or else, install it first by downloading and executing it.

    Then you do pip install websockets, which will install the module for you.