How can I find the list of those users who never logged in to their Bitbucket account? Is there any query or macro, or will I have to do it manually ?
You can do this with SQL query to database:
SELECT cu.lower_user_name
,dateadd(second,cast(cast(cua.attribute_value AS nvarchar(255)) AS bigint)/1000,'19700101 00:00:00:000') AS LAST_LOGIN
FROM [BitBucketDB].[dbo].[cwd_user] As cu
LEFT JOIN [BitBucketDB].[dbo].cwd_membership AS cm
ON cu.directory_id=cm.directory_id
AND cu.lower_user_name=cm.lower_child_name
AND cm.membership_type='GROUP_USER'
LEFT JOIN [BitBucketDB].[dbo].cwd_user_attribute As cua
ON cu.ID = cua.user_id and cua.attribute_name='lastAuthenticationTimestamp'
WHERE cm.lower_parent_name='stash-users'