
Kannel Round Robin Setup when SMSC is absent in sendsms Query String

I want to make a Round Robin configuration setting in the Kannel for the below message sending given that I have 2 SMSC(SMSC0 and SMSC1). When no SMSC is present in the query string, I like to use SMSC0 and SMSC1 in a Round Robin fashion. This is something like making a Default SMSC setting that will handle those things not explicitly handled by any SMSC. May be denied-smsc-id, allowed-smsc-id, preferred-smsc-id have some role.



    group = smsc
    smsc-id = smsc1
    allowed-smsc-id = smsc1
    group = smsc
    smsc-id = smsc2
    allowed-smsc-id = smsc2
    group = sendsms-user
    default-smsc = smsc1
    group = smsc
    smsc-id = smsc1
    denied-smsc-id = smsc2
    group = smsc
    smsc-id = smsc2
    denied-smsc-id = smsc1