
Spice Simulation from Electric on OSX

I'm using Electric as design system. I want to simulate in LTSPICE the designed circuit. I've linked LT Spice and Electric (cmosedu) as the tutorial show (http://cmosedu.com/videos/electric/tutorial1/electric_tutorial_1.htm), but when I try to simulate from Electric, it doesn't open LT Spice. Any solution?


  • This is what I did. It works.

    Setup parameters in electric-9.07.jar:

    Run program: /Applications/LTspice.app/Contents/MacOS/script.sh
    With args: ${FILENAME_NO_EXT} -r ${FILENAME_NO_EXT}.raw -o ${FILENAME_NO_EXT}.out

    !!IMPORTANT!! First argument isn't "-i ${FILENAME}". IT'S "${FILENAME_NO_EXT}". I create "ELECTRIC" folder in Desktop and I use it for saving my *.spi files. To allow the script to work, you must insert your libraries inside this folder on desktop (ELECTRIC).

    SCRIPT You need to create /Applications/LTspice.app/Contents/MacOS/script.sh

    ######START HERE######
                                    # Get argument from electric
                                    # Create *.net file for LTspice
        cd  ~/Desktop/ELECTRIC/             
        cp ${args[0]}.spi ${args[0]}.net
                                    # Launch LTspice and pass it parameters.
        cd /Applications/LTspice.app/Contents/MacOS/
        ./LTSpice ~/Desktop/ELECTRIC/${args[0]}.net ${args[1]} ~/Desktop/ELECTRIC/${args[2]} ${args[3]} ~/Desktop/ELECTRIC/${args[4]}
    ######END HERE######

    It needs execution privileges: sudo chmod +x /Applications/LTspice.app/Contents/MacOS/script.sh

    Use Electric as tutorial says (http://cmosedu.com/videos/electric/tutorial1/electric_tutorial_1.htm). It will open a small window with a netlist. Click on run button to see the simulation. To close LTspice, you must exit from it.

    INFO: If LTspice says you that you haven't its latest version, close the window and go on.