I've been looking at the atom-beautify site and example .jsbeauifyrc, .editorconfig, and uncrustify.cgf files.
I've also reviewed the options for atom-beautify. I know I'm supposed to specify where the config file is located in the atom-beautify settings. I've tried putting a .jsbeautifyrc file, an uncrustify.cfg file, and both files in the same directory I specify in the atom-beautify settings. It doesn't have any effect. The default settings are used. I'd like to make some old C++ code look more uniform for my current project and future projects my group is working on.
To sum up, I want to use uncrustify from within the Atom editor (using the atom-beautify package) to make my C++ code look nice.
, go under the C++ section and type uncrustify.cfg
as a Config Pathuncrustify.cfg
in the root folder