
SQL Server CE 4.0 w/ SQLmetal

I've created a small test project in WebMatrix which uses SQL Server CE 4.0. Not being a fan of using embedded SQL, I wanted to create some LINQ2SQL domain classes for the SQL Server CE 4.0 database generated by WebMatrix. Unfortunately SQLmetal complains that the database file is corrupt or incompatible.

Is there a version of SQLmetal.exe that is compatible with SQL Server CE 4.0 and can it be downloaded independently of Visual Studio?

Thanks in advance.


  • Sql metal doesnt work with sqlce 4.0 (i tried), you must use linq2entity or code your data object and POCOS by hand. Or wait till the next version of visual studio maybe. I hope microsoft will still support linq2sql for sqlce4.0 as it is easy to work with.