I am trying to pass a facter argument to puppet apply
. Here's what I tried:
export FACTER_command="start"
puppet apply site.pp $FACTER_command
and in my code I have:
exec { 'some_exec':
command => '/bin/bash -c "/some/path/to/scripts.sh -t some_arg $::command"',
I get this message error:
Error: '/bin/bash -c "/some/path/to/scripts.sh -t some_arg $::command"' returned 1 instead of one of [0]
Error: /Stage[main]/Standard/Exec[some_exec]/returns: change from 'notrun' to ['0'] failed: '/some/path/to/scripts.sh -t some_arg $::command"' returned 1 instead of one of [0]
Does anyone have any idea about this?
class standard{
$param_test="/some/path/to/scripts.sh -t some_arg ${::command}"
ensure => 'file',
path => '/some/path/to/scripts.sh',
owner => 'some_user,
group => 'some_user',
mode => '0755',
notify => Exec['some_exec']
exec { 'some_exec':
command => '/bin/bash -c ${param_test}',
cwd => "$home_user_dir",
timeout => 1800
node default {
include standard
And I get this error
Error: '/bin/bash -c $param_test' returned 2 instead of one of [0]
Error: /Stage[main]/Standard/Exec[some_exec]/returns: change from 'notrun' to ['0'] failed: '/bin/bash -c $param_test' returned 2 instead of one of [0]
Yes. You have at least two issues you need to fix there:
The immediate cause of your problem is you have enclosed $::command
inside single quotes, telling Puppet that you mean the literal string $::command
, when you actually want the value of the fact there.
You should not be passing $FACTER_command
as an argument to puppet apply
; you only need to export it as an environment variable (which you already did).
Change puppet apply
puppet apply site.pp
Change your exec to:
exec { 'some_exec':
command => "/bin/bash -c '/some/path/to/scripts.sh -t some_arg ${::command}'",