Crashlytics add new applicationIdSuffix

I’m working on CI for android app and for those purpose I’ve created test app.

I’ve added Crashlytics support and a little bit later productFlavors to the app.

My initial package name was ‘com.kagarlickij.myapplication’ ,

Flavours add applicationIdSuffix to the package name ( and result is e.g. ‘com.kagarlickij.myapplication.staging

If I build app with package name ‘com.kagarlickij.myapplication’ it uploads to Crashlytics fine,

But if I build app with package name ‘com.kagarlickij.myapplication.staging’ new app doesn't appear in Crashlytics.

In both cases console output doesn't have any errors -

build.gradle (and the whole app) -

Why it goes like this and how it can be fixed?


  • The answer turned out to be very simple, but not very obvious - you have to run app built with new flavor in emulator at least once and will become available on Crashlytics -