
SMACSS\BEM - how to correctly handle icon style?

I have two nested modules:

<div class="header">
<i class="topIcon"></i>

I have two separate files (I would like to keep it separate because they are reusable parts and can be used separately throughout the application) acting as modules in SMACSS terminology:

.header {
   /* header styles */


.topIcon {
 /* icon styles */

Now I want to apply some styles to my topIcon when header has :hover state.
I can put .header:hover .topIcon inside my icon module file and apply style, however from my POV it breaks SMACSS rules.

Do you have any better suggestions?


  • I use to do it by using Sass' & selector:

    .topIcon {
      /* icon styles */
      .header & {
        /* modified styles when it's in header */
      .header:hover & {
        /* modified styles when it's in header thats hovered */

    The result would be

    .topIcon {
      /* icon styles */
    .header .topIcon {
      /* modified styles when it's in header */
    .header:hover .topIcon {
      /* modified styles when it's in header thats hovered */

    That way, I keep the icon-related styles in the icon file, but avoid "foreign" classes at a root level.

    A weak point of that way might be, that you might also have another rule for .header:hover in the header file, which might be confusing for others, where to place what.