
Secure C++ coding practices

I am looking for a comprehensive record of secure coding practices in C++. Since i haven't found such a list existing here already we might as well make this into a community wiki, for further reference. I am looking for solutions to security issues like stack and heap based buffer overflows and underflows, integer overflows and underflows, format string attacks, null pointer dereferencing, heap/memory inspection attacks, etc..

NB: Besides coding practices, secure libraries that defend against these kind of attacks are worth mentioning too.

LE: As suggested by MSalters in comments this question has been split into two separate questions one for C++ and one for C. Also see Secure C coding practices.


  • The book Writing Secure Code (only sample pages in this link) is very good at explaining security issues and how to avoid them. The book has been out for a while, but most of the topics covered are still relevant.